President - Mr. John Sharpe Chairperson - Mrs. Sally Smith Secretary - Mr. Matthew Smith Captain  - Mr. John Chambers Ixworth Bowls Club  Founded 1907  Affiliated to the English Bowling Federation,  Suffolk County Bowls Association,  Bury & District League, Stowmarket League, and the Area ‘D’ Triples League.

Bowls Club

Club Sponsors


Initially the facilities at the green were minimal, there was no space for formal meetings to be held indoors; so for the first 21 years of the clubs life, committee meetings had to make use of one of the public houses in the village.  In 1929 however a committee meeting was held in the pavilion for the first time; the club had its first clubhouse, in fact in the minutes of that meeting it is mentioned that the club had accepted the kind gift of a spirit lamp from a Mr. Hicks.

This pavilion must have been very basic, for 30 years later a new one was obtained and erected. This was of wooden construction, and while a later brick built toilet and kitchen was added, the changing rooms were not included, a separate wooden building, (possibly the old pavilion) was used.  In due course, with Sport England funding a new pavilion was built.  The slide show below shows the first two buildings and follows the construction of the new replacement.

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