President - Mr. John Sharpe Chairperson - Mrs. Sally Smith Secretary - Mr. Matthew Smith Captain  - Mr. John Chambers Ixworth Bowls Club  Founded 1907  Affiliated to the English Bowling Federation,  Suffolk County Bowls Association,  Bury & District League, Stowmarket League, and the Area ‘D’ Triples League.

Bowls Club

Club Sponsors


In its first recorded year, it is apparent that the club was then, as now, at the centre of village life. Social events were organised and the first we know of was the ‘Smoking Concert’, held on November 14th  1907 at the Pickerel Hotel in the HighStreet.

Initially it was decided that the event should be free to members but at a cost of 6d for non-members, this fee was rescinded at a later meeting. To ensure good numbers the secretary was asked to write to various gentlemen (no ladies obviously) in the neighbourhood inviting them to the concert. It was reported that 85 cards were prepared and sent out; 44 by post and 41 by hand!

However it seems that their organising skills left much to be desired for just three days before the event it was reported that they were having difficulty in ‘procuring an accompanist’ – all was saved however, as they accepted the services of a Mr. Norman who agreed to play for the princely sum of ten shillings.

Some of the social activities were joint efforts. On May 3rd 1910 an offer to the bowlers of Ixworth to play the Ixworth Cricket Club at cricket was accepted, and a return fixture of bowls was arranged for later in the season, and in 1911, it was agreed that a croquet match could be held on the green. For other events a less than positive response was given.

A suggestion that instead of the by now annual Smoking Concert, a Bohemian Concert should be arranged received no support. As the definition of a Bohemian is a person of loose or irregular habits, the decision is perhaps understandable.

The above image is of a Smoking Concert, c1900 . A string quartet is playing rather than a single pianist

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‘Three Clubhouses’

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